Boat Info

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Another pretty day at Hog Cay!  Rita called on the VHF in the morning and asked if we wanted to go on a group hike across the island on the southern side.  Sure!


Rita picked up Dee and myself on her dinghy - Dorothee and Stefan from Invia followed on their dinghy.


Dee and Rita on the trail.


On the first trail, we came out on the lovely beach with the view of the government dock at Ragged Island.


There is a little cliff that gives an even better view.  Rita, as always, giving some pearl of wisdom about the island.


Lovely rocky coastline.


We went "off trail" a bit - another rock wall from the late 1800's.  We were looking for some more coconut palms that Rita said were left over from a previous grove.  She suspects they have been destroyed in recent hurricanes.


Some almost-dry sea grapes.  We sampled - they're slightly sweet.


And walking back to the dinghies along the shoreline.  A nice walk and fun conversation!

Back at the boat we just mostly relaxed - I worked a bit on some more basketry and we had an early night.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that's a pretty rugged coastline...what do sea grapes taste like?...grapes?
