Boat Info

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Work continues on the new trail.  

We took the dinghy over to the next bay to determine where we can scale the rocky cliff to connect the trail to the sea level terrain.


We found an acceptable spot where we can climb up the cliff - not great but safe enough.  Taking a water break after more trail clearing, enjoying the view.


This is the view!


Back to the boat for some lunch, we set out to the ocean side of the island on an existing trail.


This wild baby goat scampered across our path - the adults are skittish and don't stay still long enough for a decent photo.  He'll learn.....


Path to the ocean.


Beautiful views as always.


We picked up loads of colorful flotsam to mark our new trail.



And two tired sailors back to the boat.  Joined the others for sundowners in the evening and back to the boat for a dinner of leftovers.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K, is really pretty there...and a cute little goat...
