Boat Info

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Conception Island, Bahamas

 Although we had fishing poles out for the entire trip, no fish were landed.....arrived at Conception Island (a Bahamas marine and wildlife park) in the afternoon.  There were several other boats anchored including two fairly large yachts.  I was somehow expecting to find it a deserted island!  Oh well.


A few smaller sailboats as well.


We put the dinghy down and went for some exploring on shore.


Beautiful little cove around the corner from the anchorage.


You can kindof see the "pink" sands here.


More pink sand view and our dinghy in the background.


We had an early night.


Then next day we took a long dinghy ride south to explore the mangrove "river".  You have to go at high tide because there is a rocky bar that is semi-exposed at low tide.



Just lovely and the sun was brilliant!


 Saw lots of life - I thought I got lots of really good photos by sticking my camera in the water as we approached many turtles, rays and a shark....but I really only got a few that were decent.



I didn't aim the camera very well - so got several partial photos like this one.  Oh well. 


A nice green turtle.  The water was incredibly clear!

We went up several little "creeks" until our dinghy struck bottom.


There was a pretty "blue hole" at a bend in the "river" - just a deep spot really.

 Back to the boat, the two large yachts from yesterday were gone and a new mega-yacht took it's place. 

While I took a nap, Now & Zen arrived and anchored behind us.  Ralph invited us over for sundowners and we had a nice visit with him and Leslie.  (While the mega-yacht folks generally mis-behaved in the anchorage, weaving in-and-out of the anchored sailboats with their loud jet skis and multiple full-speed trips on their big tenders.  Oh well, I guess it takes all kinds.)  

Next stop will be Cat Island.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    That water is gorgeous...and the pretty pink sand really sets it off...sweet little turtles...
