Boat Info

Monday, April 19, 2021

Hawk's Nest, Cat Island, Bahamas

 Leaving Conception, we sailed north about 30 miles to Cat Island with the fishing lines out the entire trip.  Last year we caught a huge wahoo on these waters.

But it was not to be repeated....we fished the same deep water drop-off that the sport-fishers from Hawk's Nest were trolling but only caught one barracuda (which was returned to the sea).



Approaching Hawk's Nest.



As we were sailing past the end of the Hawk's Nest runway a jet took off.


The view from the anchorage.  The resort looks the same as it did several years ago when we flew here with Dick and Lindy.


And a pleasant but muggy night with the screens in place for the first time in months to guard against mosquitos.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that's a very pretty sunset...the kiddos are getting used to mugginess in Okinawa too...
