Boat Info

Friday, April 16, 2021

Cape Santa Maria, Long Island, Bahamas

 We had a fairly slow motor/sail up to the northern tip of Long Island.  

Leaving Thompson Bay.


The sun was just brilliant!  We're approaching deep water - you can see the demarcation ahead where the water turns much darker blue.


Once we got into water over 200 feet, we put the fishing lines out, but no fish were biting!


It took most of the day to sail about 30 miles because we were going so slowly.  We anchored at Cape Santa Maria and did not go ashore.  The anchorage is a bit rolly and for some reason made me a bit queasy.  I'll be happy to be on our way from here tomorrow morning!  We're going to head to Conception Island which is a marine protected area.  Should be fun to explore as we haven't spent much time there.  Will be out of internet range so look for SSB email updates for about 2 days.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...sorry you're not feeling well...the ocean is really a pretty colour of blue there...
