Boat Info

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Low Water Harbour, Buena Vista Cay, Bahamas

 We were out on the reefs fairly early.  Beautiful calm day!

Saw this cool ray....I love to watch them swimming.

So I swam after him and got a nice video.



A nice elkhorn reef.


And one of the better photos I've ever gotten of a parrot fish - they usually look washed out but this one hit the sunlight just right.


Some pretty healthy staghorn coral.


And a big barracuda hanging close by.

I'd asked Duane to see if he could get me a snapper - I love the flavor of snapper.  So he had to work at it, but got me a nice one.  It will be good for a couple of meals.  I cleaned it and put it in vacuum pack for the freezer because Cathy and Ed had invited us over for dinner.


Going back to the boats - What If


And Sojourn


We finally were in the same anchorage as Will and Rita on their new 62' Horizon power catamaran.  We stopped by for a nice chat.  We're moving south again, so we'll run into them some other time for a better visit.  We'd last visited them almost 2 years ago!!  at their summer house in Lake Toxaway so it was nice to catch up a bit.

And this might be the last lobster of the season - it ends March 31st and the winds are going to increase again for a while. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...Nice you got to see your friends...and a nice little video of the graceful ray...
