Boat Info

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 Time to head back south to our protected anchorage at Little Ragged Island because the east trade winds will be kicking back up over the next week.

What If with sails up leaving Buena Vista in the morning.


We had about 19 miles to sail, but the wind was coming from the direction we wanted to go.  So we ended up doing a couple of tacks.  We ended up sailing for about 6 hours and going 30 miles across the water. 


I shot this little video on the deck just so you'd be able to see a little of what it's like on a good sailing day.


We arrived at our little favorite anchorage approaching high tide about 4pm.  What If was a few minutes behind us.



Tucked up in the cut with Mesuggha. 

We were all invited over to What If for a nice evening to catch up.   Great to be back.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...glad you had a good sail back to your spot...
