Boat Info

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Low Water Harbour, Buena Vista Cay, Bahamas

 It was a bit dreary when we left the anchorage at Nurse Cay.


Beautiful clear water over sandy bottom.  What If is back there on the horizon.


A couple of local fishermen were out checking their fish pots, waved as we went by.



About an hour of slow motoring on one engine, virtually no wind.  Anchored in white sand at Low Water Harbour.  We're in about 5' of water at low tide.  (Our boat draft is about 4', so just 1' between the boat and the sandy bottom).



Out to the ocean-side reef in the wonderfully calm winds.  Pretty fish and coral.



Another couple of queen angelfish.



And some lovely new growth elkhorn coral.



And mister lobster poked his nose out from his hiding hole!


And speaking of lobsters.....


What If and Sojourn


Friends from Little Ragged were arriving - Mandy and Chris on Bedouin.



And Nate and Linda on Kaimana




Sojourn is looking like vagabonds live on board!  All our sunscreens out to try to stay cool and laundry hanging all over the place.



And while I made curry to share with Ed and Cathy, Duane soldered a broken wire on the refrigerator fan.  Glad he's able to make repairs on the fly!!

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