Boat Info

Monday, March 22, 2021

Low Water Harbour, Buena Vista Cay, Bahamas

 Really enjoyed our couple of days at Nurse Cay!!


What If and Sojourn anchored near the little beach.



Immediately we saw a silver shadow under the boat.  Thinking it was a shark - I stuck my camera in the water to get a better view....but it was just a big barracuda - probably looking for remnants of fish cleaning...

 We set out right away for some snorkeling.  This school of bar jacks circled me for a while.  It's a weird feeling!



Pretty angel fish.



These are butterfly fish - they almost always are in pairs and I have trouble getting a good photo of them!




Ed and Cathy on the move.



Done with snorkeling for  the day, we spotted a turtle and followed it - I got this shot of it by sticking the camera in the water from the dinghy (so it's more blue because it's thru a lot of water and farther away than I like).  If you look closely - there are two large remora fish swimming around the turtle.  They are "suckers" and have a symbiotic relationship with the turtle by keeping it's shell clean.


Back to the boat at our lovely little anchorage. 


The haul for the day!

Ed and Cathy invited us over for dinner and a game of cards.


Sunrise the next morning - note that Sojourn's bow is 90 degrees to the direction What If is pointed.  This is because there was a "roll" from side-to-side where we were anchored.  What If is anchored a little closer to shore and the roll is not so bad there.  Duane rigged a bridle that pulled the anchor chain over to the side and kept us pointed nicely into the waves, eliminating the roll!


 Later that morning we set off for more snorkeling on the small cays to the north.


Just beautiful and pristine up there where few venture!



Nice variety of fish and coral.



And an osprey was guarding their nest - and loudly protested when we got too close!!

That's it for now.  More tomorrow as we travel back a few miles south.

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