Boat Info

Monday, March 29, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Rita announced on the VHF that she would do a basket making class at the cruiser hut at 10AM, so I decided this year to participate.  

It's a bit tricky to get the basket started, but once you've got the hang of it, things move along pretty nicely.



Rita and Dee busy with their baskets.  The palm fronds are special "silver palms" that grow on the island and are particularly soft/pliable.



Rita brought along some examples of her work.  Obviously, she has excellent basket weaving skills from many years of practice!


We stayed under the cool shade of the hut for several hours, just chatting and weaving.


Here's what my basket looked like around noon.


Later in the day, we all met Maxine at the crusier hut.  She is going to Nassau for a couple of weeks and we will likely not see her again this season.


By the end of the day I'd made quite a bit of progress with my basket.


Good fun but I don't think I'll do this for a living!!! (My thumbs are a bit sore!)



We went in to the hut for sundowners - sadly Ed and Cathy are going to head north to the states tomorrow.  We had a farewell dinner on Sojourn for them with Dee and Nicholas.  Hate to see them go but understand.  We'll see them at our dock in Oriental later in the spring though!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...absolutely LOVE your're so crafty...I remember Our Airman making one at Wilderness camp when he was a Boy Scout...maybe 10 years old or so...he never made another one...haha...but he got his badge...
