Boat Info

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 There was a flurry of planes visiting Ragged Island yesterday - the prime minister and administration officials were visiting the island to survey recent improvements like the school building construction and solar farm.  Several large planes departed directly over the anchorage at Little Ragged cut.  They published this pretty airborne shot of the anchorage.

And you can make out our little boats in the anchorage!

 We all decided it was time to move out of our sweet little anchorage.  It will be pleasant to be at Hog Cay for a while with some protection from the coming week of 20+ knot steady winds.


We had a great motors-off sail - tacked several times and dropped the sails just as we arrived at the anchorage.


Just 5 boats in front of the cruiser hut - and we know all of them!  Sojourn, plus Mesuggha, What If, Bluejacket and Como No. 

 Rita from Como No came over before lunch on her kayak and we had a nice visit.  Then Jerry from Bluejacket dinghied over and suggested we all meet on shore for another cookout since they will be heading back to Oriental tomorrow morning.  


The cruiser hut is looking sharp after Maxine and some of the locals re-thatched the roof.


Everyone gathered in the evening, Jerry had already started the cookfire.


Was nice to have the relatively small group.  Fun catching up since it's been over a month since we'd been at Hog Cay.


It feels like the winter is ending as so many boats are leaving or making plans to leave.  We'll stay a bit longer and work our way north when the weather gives us a great opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K, neat that your boats are in the photo...and I bet you're glad to be back at the hut...
