Boat Info

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Early in the morning we waved a good-bye to What If.  We'll see them again in a month or two in Oriental.



Rita called on the VHF and asked if Dee and I would like to go on a shore walk and find some more silver palms for our basket making.

She picked us up on their fun dinghy with a sun awning!  Fancy!


Dee enjoying the ride.


We walked to the pathway along the bay.


Rita took us to some coconut palms that were left over from a long-ago small plantation.


There was a makeshift ladder nearby so Rita climbed up and took a few coconuts.


And we all sampled the wonderful cool coconut water.  Wish we'd thought to bring straws!


Dee got in on the harvesting as well!



And we did all get several fronds of silver palms for our baskets.  (You harvest just the emerging frond, not a fully opened frond.  They're easy to store and supple.


Here's the bounty for the day. 

The usual sundowners on shore visiting with a few boats that are new to the area but have been in the Raggeds a while.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...I've had fresh coconut water once...but it was at a NC beach resort...haha...
