Boat Info

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We had a fun day!  

We had already discussed walking the 1+ mile into Duncan Town last night at the bonfire -  Ed & Cathy and Jerry joined us.  This dump truck driver, Vardo, saw us walking down the rock road as he was dumping a load of rubble.  He stopped to say hello and ask if we wanted a ride.  Of course we did - we climbed up the side of the truck and sat on top of the cab!  (Cathy sat in the small passenger seat - mask on - of course!!)


Here is our view from our perch.



This is a photo I stole from Cathy's blog - shows the climb to the roof.   (No comments about the size of my butt!!)


 The four of us were snugg up on the cab.



Hard to get a photo because I couldn't move (no ladder down into the bed)


The view down the runway as we crossed it.



The view forward over the cab towards town.


Going up the steep hill into town....had to hang on a bit to make sure we didn't slide off!


New doppler radar station.

After we climbed down from the dumptruck, we went into the little Ponderosa bar and bought a few rounds for Vardo to have after work as a thank you.  (Reflecting on that ride, there is NO WAY a dump truck driver in the US would have invited us to do that!!)


 Then we did a little wander around the town.  Since last year, a lot of the hurricane damaged buildings have been demolished.  Happy to see some amount of re-building.  There were a dozen contract workers erecting this 2 story building - I believe it will be the clinic.


The new school is well underway.  (Not sure that there are any school age children on the island right now - but some may return after school is operational)



The view over the old salt ponds.


Then we went by Maxine's store for some fresh items.



Jerry having a nice chat with Maxine - she gave us updates on several things around the island.  She said there were about 50 residents on the island now and about 80 contract workers.



Time to head back to the boat.  Always fun to see and hear the little goats roaming in town.

No dump truck ride this time, so we hoofed it.



Ed, Cathy and Jerry crossing the runway.



Back to the shore - passing the "Airplane House" - private property so this is as far as I got.



The winds had shifted a bit while we were gone so we all three decided to head back north 10 miles to Hog Cay.



When we got back to the dinghies - the tide had gotten lower and the dinghies had to be dragged by force back into the water.



 You can get a little idea of the sea-state in the anchorage from this photo of Ed and Cathy in the dinghy on the way back....

We all got back to the big boats and set sail immediately.

 Bluejacket sailing at a nice clip in 20 knot winds.



Approaching Hog Cay - a wonderful sail - we tacked a few times and didn't turn on the engines until we were just a few hundred yards from the anchorage.  Fun day!


1 comment:

  1. Oh my much fun was that...reminds me of us riding in the back of the pickup truck...not at all safe...haha...
