Boat Info

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We had another fun day!

Rosie and Dave from No More Mondays asked about the trails on Hog Cay, so we volunteered to walk with them and show them the way.  (We haven't walked the trails yet this year, so good timing)


Pretty cactus on the trail.


Another old rock fence. 



A large salt pond in the interior of the island.




Approaching the ocean side.




Beautiful views. 




The limestone shoreline.



Posed pictures in order for both couples of course.



Just lovely.

Walking back to the boats.



Great view from the highest point.  Sojourn is second from the left.



Back to the boat - put the sunshades up because it was a little to sunny and warm!!


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