Boat Info

Monday, January 11, 2021

Southside, Ragged Island, Bahamas

 Time for a snorkeling expedition!  As I've probably pointed out before - these queen angelfish really are this brilliant in real life.  No photo retouch.


Duane diving down for a lobster.



 At a different reef, this rather large barracuda kept circling.  They normally just stare at you curiously for a while and move on.  This one circled me in a wide arc for maybe 10 minutes.  I guess he thought I might catch a fish and he would then try to steal it.  Sorry, dude, I only take photos.  Go circle Duane for a while!



Pretty coral.



Back to the boat, I had bread rising. (I'm out of store-bought bread now).


Turned out lovely! Had to steal a slice while it was warm of course!


Evening approaching, crews from Bluejacket, What If, Sojourn and Now & Zen met on the beach for a good old fashioned campfire and cookout.



Duane saw this scorpion - small but mean-looking!  I'd never seen a scorpion here before.


Typical gathering, good fun and discussion.


Still overcast but very comfortable.



Hot dogs/lobster on the portable grill.  (the lobster I'm holding above is cooking on the lower right.  It was absolutely fabulous.


And we settled in for marshmellow roasting and story telling.  A good day!


1 comment:

  1. ...your bread looks always...and I've only ever seen those pretty fish in careful out there...
