Boat Info

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Long Island, Bahamas

We had sortof a lazy day.  

We took the dinghy ashore and did a few little chores.

First to take a big bag of trash ashore.  Even taking the trash is fun in the Bahamas!


Then on to the government dock to get our jerry cans filled with diesel.  So we're truly topped off with fuel again.   We're leaving mid-day tomorrow for the Ragged Islands where getting fuel is difficult or impossible.  Since we expect to be there for many weeks, it's best that we make sure we're as well-supplied as possible.



Back to the anchorage - just 7 boats here - usually there are dozens. 

I'll send out single side band position reports during the overnight sail over to the Raggeds - probably stopping at BeunaVista Cay in the morning.  I will likely have no internet for at least a day or more.  Should be a pretty salty sail as the winds are predicted to be 20 knots or more for the next 24 hours. 

1 comment:

  1. ...I hope you're enjoying the peacefulness of fewer boats...always a silver lining...
