Boat Info

Monday, December 28, 2020

Racoon Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 The day started out beautiful.  Nice following seas.  We're following What If.


I had the last of the Christmas dinner leftovers at the helm.  Yummy but glad they're all gone now.  (3 of the same meal is plenty!)

We went thru a shallow channel that we had never gone thru (Comer Channel) but it was no problem.


Just a wonderful sail to start with.  The noise is just the wind, no engines were on.  The wind was behind us so was just pushing us along.  (Again, on some mobile devices, the video doesn't show up. You can view if you click "view web version" at the bottom of the page.)




And then things started to go downhill right before sunset.  (We knew the winds would be strong based on the forecast).  

No photos from the night....but the winds and waves got bumpy. A few un-tethered items ended up on the floor.  We shortened the sail twice during the night to try to slow the boat down.  Glad that night is over!!


We're anchored at Racoon Cay and it's just lovely here. What a difference 12 hours makes!!


Also surprised we have internet (although slow) as we didn't have internet here last year.  

We'll rest a bit and plan our next adventure.


 And if you're wondering exactly where Racoon Cay is - we're about 80 miles from Cuba!


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