Boat Info

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Long Island, Bahamas

 Our sail from Georgetown to Long Island was better than expected.  The winds were a little better than expected.

I got a good photo of What If -

And they got a good photo of Sojourn!

Since the seas were very flat, I was able to do a bunch of cooking underway.

I wanted rolls with dinner - so I looked up a Parker House Roll recipe.  I've made plenty of bread, but I've never had much luck with rolls for some reason.  

The normal drill - let the dough rise, punch down....


And let rise again.



They did turn out wonderfully!  Just the right amount of sweet. 


And that's it for the food photos as I forgot to take any more!  But we did have a nice little 4 person Christmas feast - and we'll have it again tonight because the fridge is overflowing with left overs!  We'll probably relax a day or two then head to the Jumentos or Ragged Islands.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good sail...the rolls look delicious as always...
