Boat Info

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Cocoa Beach, Fl

 Enjoying our time and the free dock. 

Went for a walk - the town was a ghost town yesterday, but was 100% back to life today.  We wandered thru the amazing Travis hardware store.  I know, sounds mundane....

But trust me, it was interesting.  The store encompasses almost an entire city block.  The narrow aisles are just stuffed with every piece of hardware imaginable floor-to-ceiling.


And we wandered around the waterfront a bit, masks in hand and way from anyone.  I assume this is a tourist boat but I didn't see any activity around it.



A better view of Sojourn at the dock.


Our 48 hours at the free dock is up and we'll depart today for Vero Beach. 

1 comment:

  1. Neat paddleboat...and I love old well stocked hardware stores too...they are so interesting...
