Boat Info

Friday, November 27, 2020

Cocoa Beach, Florida

 Hope everyone had a relaxing Thanksgiving!  

We woke to some "bird noise"....and found that they had decided to take up a roost all over our boat.


I thought they were all-black but this shows how pretty an shimmery blue they were.  This one has his breakfast with him.   Needless to say, I didn't want them pooping all over my boat - so I made a bunch of noise and banged on the rigging with my hands to shoo them away.  That seems to have been enough as they didn't return.


Later we moved the boats over to the Cocoa municipal dock.  It was recently rebuilt after being destroyed in a hurricane.   They allow "Intercoastal Cruisers" to stay 48 hours for free!  Very nice!   We got settled and took a stroll around the area - masks in hand in case we came close to anyone.  But since it was Thanksgiving everything was shut down and we were virtually alone.  Late in the day we went to What If for a wonderful Thanksgiving meal - and topped it off with Cathy's homemade pecan pie.  One game of cards and we were ready to sleep it off!

And news from home - Charlie sent me these photos of the yard by the hangar.


The grass is filling in nicely!


1 comment:

  1. The yard looks lovely...and I understand about the birds...churches often have problems with them roosting where they shouldn't too...
