Boat Info

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Vero Beach, Florida

 We made the 48 mile run south to Vero Beach - the intercoastal waterway was just covered with speeding power boats.  We've seen this phenomena before when we are unlucky enough to be traveling on a holiday weekend. (To tell you the truth, I didn't even think about what day it was when we set out).   On a normal weekday, we are passed by 5-10 power boats.  Today we were passed by literally a 100 or more.  Their wakes rock our boat and makes things just generally uncomfortable.  Glad that's over!


Made it to Vero in the late afternoon.  Got fuel/water/pumpout.... We are rafted up with What If on a mooring ball and will be here for a few days while we sort out a crossing to the Bahamas.


1 comment:

  1. ...that's a long way by the photo of Duane on deck!
