Boat Info

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Royal Harbour, Eleuthera, Bahamas

Ever northward.  We'll meet up with Sharon and Buddy in a few days in the Abacos for their visit....

Traveled to the northern tip of Eleuthera today to stage for our long sail tomorrow to the Abacos.

To go north today, we're going thru Current Cut again.  This is the Current settlement shoreline.

 It's always fun to go thru these narrow cuts with a following tide.....

Today we timed it to be going thru just before low tide - so we got a "boost" of a little over 4 knots of free speed!

 Swirling currents as we went thru the cut.

Our destination anchorage was another protected bay - Royal Island Harbour.  We got in the dinghy and did a little exploring.  We saw some stairs and a large building ruins on shore, so we landed the dinghy at the crumbling concrete dock and wandered up the hill.

The "estate" was truly crumbling.  Looks like it has been abandoned for many decades.

There are many buildings - this looks like it may have been a large clubhouse or gathering room with a large fireplace.  (although why anyone would want a fire in the Bahamas is beyond me!!)

Sad to see all the rot....

Boy, they did have a beautiful view though!

We took the dinghy out around the pretty little harbour - saw several turtles, though missed getting any usable photos.

Pretty mangroves.

Did manage to capture a fleeing spotted ray.

Back to the boat for a quiet evening.

Pretty sunset with the boat anchored beside us in the foreground.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    I'm always intrigued by abandoned houses of any kind...that one looks like it used to be pretty magnificent...
