Boat Info

Monday, April 1, 2019

Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera, Bahamas

Ever northward!

Today a small pod of dolphins briefly swam with us, always exciting!

Today's destination is the very protected Hatchet Bay.  It was once a land-locked lake, but they cut/blasted a small channel in the limestone to connect it to the ocean.

The entrance is less than 100 feet wide.  You can see the narrow entrance on our chart plotter screen (we are anchored at the red arrow)

This is approaching the harbour - can't see the opening in the rock yet.

Now you can see the opening.

We have to fit thru this's plenty wide enough, it just looks intimidating and no room for errors! We're not used to being within spitting distance of rocky shores!

Inside is a lovely calm harbour.

We took a walk around Alice Town next to the harbour.  Pretty churches.

This is outside a community center....see the sign on the wall....

 Thought that was cute.

Pretty homes mixed with abandoned ones as usual.

After a cool liquid refreshment, back to the boat.

Duane replaced a very corroded wire on our windlass with some wire we have on board. He hope it lasts until we get home and can repair it correctly.

Quite evening - off to the tip of Eleuthera tomorrow to stage for our crossing to the Abacos.

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