Boat Info

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Palmetto Point, Pineapple Cays, Eleuthera, Bahamas

We had a vigorous sail with a reef in the mail 20 miles north to Palmetto Point.

Anchored in this beautiful bay.

Took the dinghy out to one of the little islands to explore.  Very rocky shoreline.

No trails on the island, so we walked around on the sharp eroded limestone shore.  We had read that there were sisal plants on the islands (left over from hundred year ago farming).  I believe this is one although it may be an aloe plant.  Sisal was used to make fibrous ropes.

Found an entrance to a small cave but could go no further....the limestone surface was just too sharp and steep.

Walked back out on the razor sharp surface.

We wandered thru the a lot going on.  Walked to Sandy Beach bar - not only was it closed but it was just someone's house, not on the sand and not on the beach!  Further north tomorrow!

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