Boat Info

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Marsh Harbour, Abacos, Bahamas

We rose with the sun and headed out for the 60 mile crossing to the Abacos.

Pretty sunrise with the sliver of a moon too!

Getting out into open water as the sun peeks out.

I saw a large ship on the AIS with an intersecting course.  Before long I could see him in the distance.

Got pretty close but they altered course for us.  (They don't always, but this one followed the rules that a sailing vessel has "right of way").

Passed Far & Away going the same direction.  Don't often see anyone quite this close in open water. (We'd seen them in the Royal Harbour anchorage).

I saw a flock of birds out in front of us.  We were 20 miles from shore so this usually means there is a school of fish they are chasing.  Sure enough, we had both fishing poles with fish on!!  This is the only one we landed - a 13 pound skipjack tuna.  (The other one broke the steel leader and took our lure....)  This one went straight into the refrigerator to cool down while we sailed the rest of the afternoon.

Approaching North Bar Channel in the Abacos!

We first anchored near Tiloo Cay but the winds were a little higher than forecast and from a slightly different direction. 

This is a cool boat that we'd seen anchored near here the last time we were in the Abacos. 

We decided not to stay in the uncomfortable anchorage and motored an hour north to the south side of Marsh Harbour.

If you're wondering what I do with all this fish - I vacuum seal and date everything we don't eat right away.  Keeps it so fresh!

And here is dinner - going on the grill.  Marinade is just soy sauce, honey, ginger and black pepper.  It was delicious!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...I'm always amazed at those cargo ships with their stacks and stacks of containers...they look like they would fall off...
