Boat Info

Friday, March 15, 2019

Rum Cay, Bahamas

We have had a couple of days of high winds so haven't moved on yet.....

I had a hankering for bagels.  And I had bought this huge bag of bread flour on Long Island.

I've never made bagels, but had read that it was simple.

Made the dough and left it to rise as normal - note the multigrain - love this flour!

Cut the dough into 8 slices, made a ball of each, flattened and poked a hole in the center.

Left them to rise again.

Then, you boil them!  In sugary water.

After a few minutes of boiling, sprinkled with sesame seeds.

And baked in a hot oven.

Really pleased with how they turned out!

Fun and I will do again!

Another pretty sunset - saw a bit of a green flash!

1 comment:

  1. WOW...your bagels turned out perfectly!...pretty sunset and cool about the green flash...
