Boat Info

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Rum Cay, Bahamas

Took the dinghies to shore to explore a bit.

Sweet little town - Port Nelson. 

We made our way to the little bar/restaurant.

It truly is a "sand bar" as the floor is sand!

Here is Kay - so nice.  She gave us lots of advice and info on the small island.

In the back room there is the "Last Chance" grocery.  I got a few tomatoes, since it's my last chance.....

Then we took off on foot to wander around.  Workmen are busy repairing the government dock.  This is their work truck.  Note the tire is literally falling apart.  In the evening, the truck drove away....hopefully not getting much speed.

Our boats in the anchorage, nice fellow repairing a floor jack, we stopped and chatted.

Saw sea grape trees with actual grapes on them (not sure I've ever seen them).  The lady a store told us they were good when ripe - I tried one that was almost purple - tasted very tart.

Pretty chruch.

Going back to the boats, there was another catamaran anchoring.  As we got closer, we realized it was another Manta!!  So 3 boats in the anchorage and they're all Mantas!

We dinghied over and introduced ourselves - and invited them to our boat for sundowners.

And shortly the crew from Beesmej came over.  Had a fun visit with Maggie and Bernard (the owners) and Don and Ruth (who used to own a Manta Evensong).   Leslie and Ralph joined us of course.  But, we said our goodbyes to Beesmej because we'll be leaving in the morning to sail to San Salvador.

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