Boat Info

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Rum Cay, Bahamas

The weather finally calmed enough for us to go out the 35 miles to Rum Cay.  It's a little island in the open Atlantic, so we had to wait for the waves to subside a bit.

Off early, fishing poles out....but we didn't catch anything.

Pretty little island, sparsely populated.

They have a marina that was badly damaged in Hurricane Jocaquin.

We understand that they will be repairing it.....but no real indication that is ongoing since the 2015 hurricane.

We did a few hours of snorkeling on the nearby reefs but only got one lobster....

This photo is taken from the deck of our boat - it's a large barracuda that was just hanging around in the crystal clear water.


  1. Hey K,
    ...looks like they might not have the funding available to rebuild...pretty place though...and pretty water...
