Boat Info

Monday, February 18, 2019

Bread recipe

My sis pointed out that I forgot to include the bread recipe from a week or so ago....twice....haha.

Here ya go!

Bittman Sandwich Bread

1 and 1/3 cup milk Warm Milk to 110 degrees

1 ½ teaspoon yeast Dissolve yeast in milk

2 Tablespoons oil

1 Tablespoon sugar add oil and sugar to above

1½ teaspoon salt in mixing bowl

3 ½ cups flour - 3 cups flour and salt – mix salt with flour

Keep the remaining ½ cup flour for your hands and surface. Key is use as sparingly as possible. Dough will be sticky.

Pour in milk, yeast, oil, sugar to flour bowl

Mix with spatula 3 or 4 minutes

Knead in bowl or on floured surface

1. Let rise to double approx. 40 min

2. Punch down and let rest for 15 min

3. Place in well greased pan and let rise 40 min approx.

Bake at 350 degrees 25-30 minutes or till golden brown

Remove immediately and place on cooling rack

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