Boat Info

Monday, February 18, 2019

Snug Corner, Acklins Island, Bahamas

Today was just a repositioning day, so not lots to report.  There are some east winds coming that we'll need protection - so we went across the Bight of Acklins to a little settlement area called Snug Corner/Masons Bay. 

Since it was an all day trip over, we didn't go ashore yet.  Pretty sunset on the open ocean behind us.

Always love the "afterglow" of the sunset.

I'm collecting a few conch shells to "keep".  That is, I'm taking the conch out of the shell without damaging it by the usual method of chipping a hole in the shell.    I put a teaspoon beside it so you'd know the size.  I just love the brilliant colors - it will look pretty on my cabinet at home.

 And a pretty sunrise over the island in front of us this morning! 

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