Boat Info

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Snug Corner, Acklins Island, Bahamas

We went ashore for some exploring - took the dinghies straight to the shore line and stopped at Top Choice Bonefishing Lodge. 

Gregory came out to give us a friendly welcome.  (I don't think they see many cruising boats here).  He told us about some interesting things to see on the island - we'll rent a car from him tomorrow and explore! 

Took the dinghies over the shallow water to the dock.

Walked to Club Rolle-x, a bar and grill for refreshments - it's pretty warm here - 80 degrees and breezy.  Gregory met us there and shared more island info.  There are about 40 people in this settlement.

Back to the boat for a few boat projects then movie night!  We watched Fargo - a favorite of ours.  Ralph and Leslie had not seen it so it was a good pick!

1 comment:

  1. I love these place names...and the people sure seem friendly...
