Boat Info

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Oriental, NC

In prepping to sell Sojourn, one of the things our boat broker told us to "spiff up" on the boat was the salon table.  I guess you just get used to things on your boat and don't pay any attention to them....but it's obvious from this photo that the table needs some TLC....

So I sanded the entire top finish off.


And started to rub on Shellac.  It's hard to see, but parts of the tabletop turned an unpleasant shade of brown. we decided Shellac was not the appropriate chemical for this wood. 

After another round of sanding, we took the table out to the utility trailer to protect it from debris and did many coats of natural polyurethane.  We're letting it cure for a few days before using but it looks very nice.  (Hard to see with the shadows, but it's nice a smooth and shiny and a lovely shade of natural wood!)


With the sails all off the boat, Duane has been busy at the mast and boom sanding off bubbly paint and corrosion areas.  We'll be taking the mast down in a few weeks for new rigging - at that point he'll address all the areas that are too tall to reach from the deck.  Looks like a spotted tiger - will look nice and fresh with new white paint eventually.


  1. We used Rustoleum Topside Paint for our mast, and have been happy with it. Did it 1.5 years ago, and it still looks good.

  2. Yes, we happen to have a full quart of that exact paint on board that we plan to use!
