Boat Info

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Oriental, NC

 Just doing some overdue boat chores. This is the anti-skid step area on the port side of the boat where we normally climb onto the boat.  The anti-skid has worn off through the years.  It's the first area you see when you walk up to the boat....

Since we're sprucing things up to sell Sojourn, I got out the weird rubberized paint....Did a minor amount of taping.....

And now it looks a bit better. 

In the afternoon the crew from Jandals (Dave, Carey and Toby) came by for a nice visit.  They are a Manta 42 that we met several years ago.  They are at New Bern for haulout on Monday where they'll leave the boat for the summer and travel home to Portland, Oregon. 

And to top off a busy day, neighbor Andy invited us all over for a cookout!


The view from Andy's place over to our dock full of Mantas.

Fun evening and unbelievably cool for the first of June in NC!!!

And the walk was short and pleasant back to the "compound"....

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