Boat Info

Friday, February 2, 2024

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

We woke to a beautiful morning...what looks like a Cessna Caravan flew into the airport - Phicol had said that the construction workers were due back soon so I expect it was carrying a few of the men back from a long holiday.


I did some monthly paperwork most of the morning.  We did venture out once to take trash to the dump - exciting stuff!


The anchorage in the distance is pretty full with 14 boats waiting on the strong winds on Feb 5-6.

We went in for sundown....a bit too cloudy on the horizon to see the actual sunset.  But the reflection making the pink clouds was beautiful.

We will be treated to two days of almost dead calm now.  You can see straight down to the bottom off the boat. 

The bad thing about calm days is that the no-see-um's tend to find us with no wind to blow them away.  So we'll probably be closing up all the hatches in the evenings to protect ourselves!!

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