Boat Info

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

We continue to stay in one spot, really the only spot in about 100 miles that will offer protection from a weather system forecast for Feb 5-6 that will blow west winds gusting to 40 knots for 24 hours.  

Rick on C Language had arranged for the Lost Cay Lodge to open up for the cruisers for lunch - Phicol brought a truck to the airport to haul a bunch of us to the Lodge.


Always an adventure!


Good, noisy conversations.


It is "honor bar" there - you just go to the fridge and pick out your beverage - keep your bottle caps in your pocket - at the end of the day - count and present your bottle caps to pay your tab.


Those who wanted pizza had ordered ahead....very nicely done!


Lots of salty stories....


Good fun and we're happy that they are willing to open up and let us have a nice outing.  (They are actually a bone-fishing lodge....not really open to the public as a restaurant but just for their bone-fishing customers).


After a much needed and deserved nap....a quite and beautiful evening and sunset.

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