Boat Info

Friday, January 19, 2024

Little Ragged Island, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Out for a long walk on a beautiful day!


The interior salt pond is still mostly full.  The water looks clearer than I remember it from past years.


We have noticed that there are not many goats this year. As a matter of fact, on our 3 1/2 hour walk today, we saw zero goats.  Unusual. Someone in Duncantown said that there has been some "poaching". 


One of the strangest things I’ve seen washed up on the beach!!

We made it to the cross-island trail for the first time this year.  It's a bit overgrown - we did some trimming but it needs a few more hours attention.


My haul for beachcombing - I brought back the silk flower just because it seems bright and cheerful.  I'll hang it on a trail when we get to Hog Cay in a couple of days.

The usual suspects for a cook fire and small potluck. Good fun. 

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