Boat Info

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Little Ragged Island, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We woke to perfectly calm wind.....

Looking off the back step.


We all got ready to go south for some hopefully calm snorkeling.


Jerry joining us this time.

It wasn't as calm in the water as we had expected....

Some of may favorite blue tangs -  just love to watch them swim along and eat off the coral.

I followed this parrot fish around for a while trying to get a good photo.


They're tough to photograph since they are constantly moving!


Fun underwater scenery. 


Duane got two nice sized lobsters.


A fun outing - we stayed out about 3 hours.


Jerry with some of his catch.


Back at the ranch....the boat was very warm since there was minimal breeze.  I decided to try to grill the tentacles and legs to reduce the heat added inside the salon.  That didn't really work too well - the meat was not easy to remove like it is when I steam them.  So I won't try that again. 


I did heat up the cabin for a short while - I chopped up those two lobsters and made lobster bites for sundowners on Now & Zen.

We had a nice sundown visit with Now & Zen and Bluejacket - I don't believe anyone snapped a photo but they ran the generator for some air conditioning!  It was quite the treat on a muggy, buggy night.

1 comment:

  1. Wow such calm conditions. Not often. Glad your dive was fruitful.
