Boat Info

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Finally some sunshine!!  I spent most of the morning doing year end business paperwork.....but we did squeeze in a nice ocean walk.


North on Ragged Island it's mostly rough ironstone.


The large buoy is still stranded on land!


A cute little ghost crab - love the shadow from the low sun angle.


Sand dunes look almost like a desert.


The sun was getting really low by the time we dinghied back to the boat - the cruisers were gathered on the beach so we stopped by.


It's actually almost cold here!  The wind is blowing from the north and it's about 70℉!!!  Brrrrrr....


Lovely afterglow.

1 comment:

  1. Brrr. That is chilly. 86 for a high here (feels like 93 in the sun, with no wind). But our water is not as clear.
