Boat Info

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 First thing in the morning, Leslie called and said that the mailboat had arrived and Maxine's son, Ty would bring our boxes to the beach at the airport.


Always fun to get fresh veggies!


The head of the Royal Bahamian Defense Force on Ragged Island stopped by to say hello.  Friendly guy - invited us to fireworks at nightfall (we didn't go as it was rainy and windy - no fun or really safe to ride 1/2 mile on the dinghy at night in those condtions!  Toting our 2 boxes back to the dinghy.


One box looked a bit crushed but all was well.


This is not all our stuff - we shared our order with Bluejacket.

We got it all out of the boxes to sort the items going to Bluejacket.  So nice to have the fridge packed with fresh stuff again!

 Ralph shared another drone shot - Sojourn anchored near the cruiser's beach.  We still can't shake these cloudy skies!!

 All 7 boats in the anchorage met again on the beach for a ring-in-the-New-Year feast.


Everyone brought wonderful dishes with all the traditional New Year's "Good Luck" items.


Chris and Gosha on Solaris shared shots of their homemade eggnogg.  Made with "good Russian vodka"!!  It was rich and creamy.


My yummy plate.  Wow, everything was excellent!


The usual chatting, a small bonfire was lit - then the rain decided to run us all back to our boats.  Fun day.

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