Boat Info

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Still windy and cloudy....this year has been particularly stormy.  

We went for a nice walk --


Interesting to see someone is trying to grow more coconut palms. Not sure who is doing this.  Looks like a few are successfully rooted.  A couple have not survived.

We largely avoided the rain but there were a few sprinkles.


The trail takes us to the ridge and there is an old stone fence line running the length of the tip of the island.


The plants are very lush this year with all the rainfall.


The view back towards the anchorage.  From what the locals tell us, this used to be a coconut palm plantation.  Only those few remain pictured above.


The baby goat hidden in the center of this photo seemed a little lost.  He apparently was not old enough to know to run away like all the adults do.

But this slightly older goat scampered away.


Near the end of the loop there is an old house on the peak of the ridge that would have had a beautiful view.

Back to the dinghy for a wet ride back to the boat as we were motoring into 25 knot winds and chop!  Time for a shower and dinner prep.

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