Boat Info

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 A "work" party had been organized for the morning - to cut/trim "Bernie's Trail".  With all the rain over the past several months, the trails are all a bit overgrown.  Everyone met at the cruiser hut.  Many had brought hand and battery powered tools for just this purpose.


Trailhead marker someone made out of heart beans.


I can't resist taking a few moments to view the lovely anchorage from the top of the cliff on the trail.  Wow that's a lot of boats (and the photo doesn't capture all of them in the anchorage!)


We all got busy with trimming the bushes and trees.


Karen from Persephone stops her work for just a moment.


Sam and Cindy from Bookend.  Many hands make light work! 

We worked at it for about 2 hours before coming out on the ocean side.  (Thanks, Karen from Persephone for the photos!)

Very windy!!!  Gusts were at least 30 knots - blowing me a bit off balance at times.


Back at the cruiser hut to relax for a few minutes before heading back to the boat.

Just relaxed the rest of the windy day....

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