Boat Info

Friday, November 17, 2023

Fernandina Beach, FL

 These early mornings are a bit of a drag!!!  What If at daybreak.  Note the dark grey skies.....


The view from the cockpit least now it's fairly warm.


Even the birds are saying no-thank-you to the weather.

As we made our way south today in the blustery weather, we knew we'd have to transit the St. Andrews Sound - it's basically open to the sea - and the sea is a bit angry at this point.

This sailboat was in front of us for a while and he radioed saying that he was going to take a longer  but possibly more protected route....

We braved the seas for about 5 miles to get across the sound.  It was not comfortable but safe and nothing got broken!

 Approaching Kings Bay Navy submarine base.....police boat.


A colorful tug.


I'm always fascinated by these huge degaussing structures.


Destination is Fernandina Beach, Fl....Looks like an industrial town but it's really just the steam coming off the Westrock paper plant.

Boat being unloaded....

We tried to pick up a mooring ball in the harbor but once tied up, decided to drop it.  The currents were crazy causing the boat to float over the hard mooring ball.  I didn't want our new bottom paint to get damaged!!  So we pulled off the ball and motored with What If around the corner to anchor in nice calm water.

Next we'll rent a car and drive into Jacksonville to the Apple store - Duane's brand new Ipad is defective and we use it as back-up navigation so it must be fixed!!

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