Boat Info

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Do I even need to start this post off with a phrase like "it was a rainy day again"?  Ready to get in the dinghy for the long wet ride to shore to pick up our rental car.

At the marina calling Enterprise for them to pick us up. (Thanks Cathy for the photo)

 We were the entertainment of the morning at the Enterprise office while we stripped off our wet foulies.



We all eventually got stripped down and piled down in the small car.

I didn't take any more photos, but we drove down to Jacksonville to the fancy mall area for our appointment with an Apple we sortof expected, they couldn't diagnose any actual problem with the new iPad.  We opted to return it anyway and just purchased another new one.   Glad that worked out but it sure was a lot of trouble!!  (If we had been on land with an actual shipping address we could have done this all online/UPS shipping.  But since we can't receive items needing a signature, it complicates things.  We've done it before with the help of Duane's sister and brother-in-law but it's quite cumbersome and time consuming!!!)

We had a nice, busy day - got a few fresh groceries and had a fun Mexican meal with Ed and Cathy.  

Back to the boats, still grey skies and windy.   A nice break after 10 days on the boat!

Dinner on What If and a game of cards....the sun is supposed to finally shine tomorrow!

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