Boat Info

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 A plan was made to walk into Ducan Town in the morning.....Maxine has arrived from 2 months in Nassau, so everyone wanted to say hello.  The winds are strong still so extra care was taken to anchor the dinghies near the runway.  High tide so we had to anchor them a good bit offshore (when we return in a few hours the dinghies will be in shallower water).


We brought our trash bags since the dump is close to the airport.


We stopped by the terminal building and had a nice chat with Alma - she keeps the building clean.  Friendly lady we'd met before over near the DC-3 airplane/abandoned restaurant.


Walking crew - no traffic on the road going our way today so we were unable to hitch a ride and walked the entire way.


A lot of progress on the clinic construction since we've been here several weeks ago.


Always see a few goats!


Up close shot of the new clinic building - they are going to pour concrete on the dome roof - hopefully "hurricane proof" this time!

We did have a nice visit with Maxine although I completely forgot to snap a photo!!!  

Maxine found Jolly and asked her to open up the Ponderosa for us to have a bit of liquid refreshment.  The power had been off on the island since 5AM - but the beers were still nicely cool.


When noon-time came - the Ponderosa was teaming with the workers getting their lunches.  They eat 3 meals a day here.


We all relaxed a while....

Then we took a short walk up to see the school construction progress.  Some of the workers catching a ride on a flatbed.

We passed a line of conch drying in the air.


Looks like they are putting some of the finishing touches on the school buildings.


On the way back we stopped and visited with Myron for a while.


Some of the folk had not seen his fancy pigeons so we took a look at those. 

Walking back to the dinghies, it's always neat to look over the salt ponds.


Back at the dinghies, the tide had receded quite a bit but the wind was still howling.


Dale and Debbie getting their dinghy situated.


We had a slow ride back to the boats as the waves were against us....relaxing a while....hear an airplane - this US Coast Guard plane was flying very low!


Towards evening, we'd all been invited over to Mimi for sundowners.  The clouds allowed us to see just the last few minutes of a pretty sunset.


Nice chatting until well after dark.

And there is a tradition of blowing a conch horn at sunset.....Michele does the honors.  Lovely day.

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