Boat Info

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We have strong winds forcast for the next week or so....nothing dangerous but it will limit our mobility a bit.  

After a relaxing morning, we did get off the boat.


Took the dinghy out to the north a bit.


Found a creepy baby doll head for the trail!!!


Duane brought equipment and cut firewood off this Ironwood tree on the beach.  It's incredibly hard, heavy wood - perfect for cooking fires.


We're going to take it back over to Hog Cay for the Valentine's Day party cook fire.  (It's becoming hard to find good firewood close to the cruiser hut now).


We filled the dinghy up with tightly tied bundles and headed back.  We stored it on shore (it's heavy!) - we'll put it on the big boat when we head back to Hog Cay in a few days.

That's about it - early evening with unsettled weather.

1 comment:

  1. I don't recall finding so many doll parts on the beach there in the past. Very creepy indeed!
