Boat Info

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

 The crazy strong north winds continue to pummel us.  Duane had to help me off the boat - and I commented that I didn't think I could climb back aboard.  The short piling you see in the photo here is 4' tall.  So the first step up is 4'!!!


Duane fixed the issue by toting a 12x12" block over to the boat.


The extra foot makes all the difference.  I can handle a 3' first step.


We needed a few odds and ends from town - our first car trip since we'd been back.  The high water is affecting everyone around here - the roadway is submerged across from the town dock.


And I know it's not a big deal, but it's been 6 months since 2-fer-Tuesday at the Silo's in Oriental.  Yummy greek pizza!   I gotta say it comes in 3rd place after our generous friend's pizzas on Meshugga and Charm though!

Tomorrow will be packing up in earnest and heading to Pittsboro.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...yeah...the flooding has been in the news here too...they've been showing the houses falling into the water over and sad...
