Boat Info

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Oriental, NC

 Slowly getting the boat organized.  I've packed up all the extra food and it's in the minivan now.

I did a post-trip inventory so I know exactly how much we used of each item.  I did pretty well estimating usage this year on a lot items.  I know this looks like a lot of canned goods, but we provisioned much, much more than this.  Things I ran out of were canned mushrooms, peas, curry sauces and tea bags. 


Shelves empty.  Looks really odd!!  For our summer trips to the boat we'll pack up a cooler and do very small re-stocks when we're on the boat.  We don't plan to leave the a/c running while we're away so didn't want to leave any food on board.   (Jellyfish clog our water intake for the a/c so it doesn't work while we're not there to unclog it.)


And now we're just having to deal with the crazy high water levels at the dock.  The boat deck is sitting about 6' above the dock now and I can't reasonably get off the boat!  Hopefully it will recede a bit today.  Chilly 55°F and 20+ knots of cold wind.   Brrrr.  We're not in the Bahamas anymore!


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