Boat Info

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Thompson Bay, Long Island, Bahamas

 We had a pretty lazy day...but we did go pick up some extra diesel in 2 five gallon jugs.  Pretty happy with the price of $5.79 a gallon.  Our tank and all of our jugs are full now so we shouldn't have to get fuel again before our push to NC in 3-4 weeks.

We stopped at the nice Hillside grocery for some much needed veggies...I think inflation has caught up with us in the Bahamas!  The 3-pack of romaine lettuce was $12!!  Oh well, gotta have salad!


Back to the boat toting our $64 worth of groceries....lovely dinghy dock.


And back to the boat for a calm afternoon. 

The wind is filling back in and we'll likely move about 25 miles north to the beautiful Calabash anchorage.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...those are some crazy prices...can't wait til you get home...but can't believe it's time for that yet...
