Boat Info

Monday, April 4, 2022

Thompson Bay, Long Island, Bahamas

 Backing up several days since we had no internet.

Mike sent me this photo of Duane and I putting the sails away, a view I don't often see.


We left Buena Vista fairly early for a nice sail north - destination Jamaica Cay.  We'd never been there, passing it by always due to unsettled weather.

Nice photo from Mike of Sojourn under sail


The weather was calm enough for us to tuck into the protected but very small anchorage at Jamaica Cay. 


The island has quite a lot of ruins that were meant to be a resort/fuel depot.  A hurricane put an end to someone's dreams.


But the tiny island is stunning.


Several buildings were in various states of ruin.


Two fuel tankers.  Hard to imagine how they even got these onto the island as there is no deep anchorage for a mailboat.


Mike snapped this photo with Sojourn in the background.

 We did a bit of a walkabout and everyone stopped to take it all in.


So sad to see this in so many areas - glad we visit in the winter when conditions are mostly safe!

We were hopping that the snorkeling here would be spectacular since not very many people stop here....but there was only one highlight - this beautiful turtle! 


The turtle just loved swimming with Duane!

Having seen Jamaica Cay, off we sailed north to Flamingo Cay.


We anchored in the north bay where we had never anchored before. 


Took a nice scenic tour on Meshugga's dinghy.  Visited the cave at low tide.


Dinghy inside the cave.


Just a little investigation.


The next day we went ashore for a bit of walking.


Just so lovely!


Short hike to see the red shrimp as Mike and Penny hadn't ever seen them.

And a long walk to try to find some ruins, unsuccessfuly, haha.  I didn't even take a photo during that walk.  

I need to mention that we've had several wonderful meals over on Meshugga on the trip northward but I didn't have my camera - but many thanks to them for their hospitality!

Off for more north sailing.  There were ALOT of boats heading the same way - so unusual.

Got a few action shots along the way.

We arrived at Water Cay for the evening - there were 24 boats!!!  Amazing crowd....and I didn't snap a photo of that either.  Oh well, you get the idea.  Lots of boats in the Ragged Islands this year!

Over to Meshuggas for yet another yummy meal - hamburgers (turkeyburgers) and cheesecake for dessert.  I need a diet!!

Up early for the 45 mile sail to Long Island - saying bye to the Raggeds until next year.

Had a lovely sail with better-than-forecast winds back to the pretty aqua waters of Long Island.


After a nice nap, off to Tiny's to celebrate getting back to "civilization" a bit. 


The usual refreshments and conversation.

The Meshugga crew is going to rent a car and explore the island with their guests tomorrow - we'll do some chores as we've seen the island several times!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...there's a lot of neat stuff in this post...I love the gold windowed picture of Sojourn...and the turtle is amazing...and that y'all can get so close to it...
