Boat Info

Monday, April 11, 2022

Rock Sound, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 Not a lot happening on Sojourn!  Blustery day, a little chilly at 76 degrees!!  Started the day with some yummy blueberry pancakes, did some chores and cleaning.

One of the enclosure panels had gotten a rip in a seam - it's 5 years old and some of the stitching is fraying.  The Sunbrella material is holding up well though.  I took it down and did a quick mend.  


As far as I know, none of the Manta crews even put their dinghies in the water so no visiting today.....

We had a quiet evening - I mad a hash with most of our potatoes.  I found a really nasty rotten sweet potato in the bin and wanted to use them up before they all follow suit!

1 comment:

  1. hey K,'re so's about 76° here too...haha...glad you were able to fix you thingy..
